Guy Steele - определение. Что такое Guy Steele
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Что (кто) такое Guy Steele - определение

Guy Steele; Guy L Steele, Jr.; Guy L. Steele; Guy Steele, Jr.; Guy Steele Jr.; The Great Quux; Guy Lewis Steele; Guy Lewis Steele, Jr.; Guy Lewis Steele Jr.; Guy Lewis Steele Jr; Guy L Steele Jr; Guy L. Steele, Jr.; Guy L. Steele, Jr

Guy Steele         
Guy Lewis Steele, Jr.         
<person> (GLS) A software engineer whose most notable contributions to the art of computing include the design of Scheme (in cooperation with Gerald Sussman) and the design of the original command set of Emacs. He is also known for his contribution to the Jargon File and for being the first to port TeX (from WAITS to ITS). He wrote the book "Common Lisp", which virtually defines the language. He was working at Sun Microsystems, Inc. from 1996 to the present (June 2001). (2001-06-14)
Jimmy Steele (dentist)         
James George Steele; James G. Steele; Jimmy G. Steele
James George Steele (28 June 1962 – 16 November 2017) was a British dentist. He authored the Steele Review in 2009 which proposed reforms to the dental services provided by the National Health Service.


Guy L. Steele Jr.

Guy Lewis Steele Jr. (; born October 2, 1954) is an American computer scientist who has played an important role in designing and documenting several computer programming languages and technical standards.

Примеры произношения для Guy Steele
1. I think Guy Steele echoed that. This is not now, but Guy Steele described
Coders at Work _ Peter Seibel _ Talks at Google
2. code. Though, actually, Guy Steele -- who's probably
Coders at Work _ Peter Seibel _ Talks at Google
3. correct. Guy Steele, even Knuth likes to prove things
Coders at Work _ Peter Seibel _ Talks at Google
4. That's how you become Guy Steele -- in seven days." Right?
Coders at Work _ Peter Seibel _ Talks at Google
5. it fits together." Guy Steele talked about taking one function,
Coders at Work _ Peter Seibel _ Talks at Google